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Read Genesis 1:6-25

The Point:  God has designed the world in a specific order so His creation can live, thrive and be in relationship with Him. 

  1. Time, as we know it, began with God; God created the cosmos including this time and space we live in.


God is FORMING the Earth


Day 1 – Light and Darkness, Day and Night
We ended with Genesis 1:5: “God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.  And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” 

If we notice it, God not only spoke the world into existence, but God created the order of the world both the natural order and the order in which humanity currently lives in.  God has created time and space—you see time doesn’t exist to God because God doesn’t begin and end.  God is eternal. 

God is creating the calendar cycle here; He is creating time and order as He is establishing His kingdom.  God’s kingdom has order, this is why He created time.  God created the world in Six Days; giving us the calendar in which we live by. 


God had given this word to His people.  It is agreed among scholars that Moses wrote Genesis, and it was written around 1400 BCE which was when the Exodus out of Egypt occurred, Abraham is known to have been born in 2166 BCE and called by God, in Genesis 12, in 2091 BCE.

“For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.  But if you do believe his writings, how will you believe my words?” – John 5:46-47

God informed His people on how to live through His ordered six days of creation: not the other way around.  Moses was the one to finally receive this revelation from God and the instruction to write it down as a scribe.  Time comes from God—it is not manmade.


Day 2 – The Sky and Water

--Genesis 1:6-8

God is sitting with a formless Earth, in Genesis 1:6-8 God is creating the earth’s form.  He is creating the sky, separating the water from the earth to the water from the clouds (the rain). 

  1. God meticulously designed this world; nothing on earth is an accident or random it is intentionally designed/created by God.



Day 3 – Land and Plants              Day 4 – Sun, Moon, Stars            Day 5—Animals/Humans

--Genesis 1:14-1-                          --Genesis 1:11-13                         --Genesis 1:20-23


If we continue to read God’s word, we learn about the creativity God possesses, we learn that ALL this earth is like a giant puzzle, it is meticulously crafted and all of nature plays upon itself with different systems at work.  God has precisely designed and put this world together.


We also see that God created ALL animals within an ordered day of time; in verse 21 we see that “God created the great sea MONSTERS…”  
Hebrew word used here is, תַּנִּין tannîyn, tan-neen'; or תַּנִּים tannîym; (Ezekiel 29:3), intensive from the same as H8565; a marine or land monster, i.e. sea-serpent or jackal:—dragon, sea-monster, serpent, whale.

The biggest opponent to creationism is evolutionary theory:  more specifically macro evolutionary theory—the idea that species of evolved into other species and that we all came from a pool of celluloid soup.  This theory discredits Genesis 1:6-25 as a myth, something that isn’t literal and therefore isn’t true.

“Darwin speculated that the first spark of life may have taken place in a ‘warm little pond, with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts, light, heat, electricity, etc., present, that a proteine [sic] compound was chemically formed ready to undergo still more complex changes.

Not surprisingly, many recent discoveries validate the biblical description of the origin and history of life.’”

--Fazale “Fuz” Rana and Hugh Ross, “What Darwin Didn’t Know.”

Science does not always oppose Christianity/ theology rather it is the other way around! Science and Christianity go hand in hand—one must study theology and science together as they inform each other.  We must be careful to not let scientific THEORY loosen our biblical standing and truth.

  1. God has made His beautiful creation so He can have a relationship with it; all of creation shines God’s glory.

We need to remember that God is a God of community—God does not believe in isolation rather He communes both with Himself (the persons of the Godhead) and with His creation.

The word, God, in the Hebrew used in Genesis 1 is Elohim. אֱלֹהִים   in its proper grammar this is a plural word used in the singular here—this points to God being multiple persons. 

God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son are present, creating the world together, weaving a beautiful tapestry and they will eventually establish a covenantal relationship with it once it is complete—God is commanding creation to have a relationship with Him.  


  1. How have you seen God in His creation (nature) recently?
  2. How does it feel to know that God is in community with nature and the godhead?
  3. When looking at modern science what are some things encourage you/discourage about it?